Digital Photograph Limited edition of 3 + 2APs
Archival print glued under acrylic glass and back-covered by another acrylic glass
110cm x H72 (W43.37 x H28.34 inches)
"Torrid Iris" is one of the latest artworks creations by Czech Duo Boguszak.
Shooting digital photography of dunes has brought us to a rare world of magnanimous and dignified calmness.
Our sight is hardly compromised by other senses; all distractions of our reality disappear, all defects, all noises are no more. Being there is an abstraction from the continuous entropy of life, resulting in a simple and clean harmony.
Sand dunes were created by obeying the laws of physics, their geometrical shapes, smooth and perfect, are a visible representation of an almost flawless balance, and without visible traces of any kind of life, they become themselves a pure form, filled in with sunshine.
As the recognizable world dissolves in abstraction, the image comes to work on one’s mind like a fragrance or a piece of music, eluding rational understanding and revealing itself fully only as a feeling.
We have learned to look for a glimpse of harmony wherever available and however fleeting. They keep us moving, believing and going further when things get tough, since the changes we hope for, whether in culture, politics, or private life, seldom come as fast and easily as one'd wish.
Over the last decades, Marek—a photographer for more than 40 years—has shifted his photographic technique from manual analog B&W to digital color photography in his artworks.
With his wife, Magda, they have established in their artworks a unique visual vocabulary by designing abstract artifacts in the last few years.
Today, the duo creates and acts together as Boguszak, exhibiting and selling award-winning photography worldwide.
The pair created a unique photography body of work from their journeys in Death Valley and Abu Dhabi deserts.
The Boguszak's sophisticated image processing images in their artworks highlights colorful shapes and pure lines with breathtaking harmony.
Boguszak have presented solo exhibitions at international venues in Zurich (CH), Bern (CH), Campione (IT), London (UK), Prague (CZ), and New York (USA).
Their artworks are the recipient of many awards including 21st, 20th and 19th Pollux Awards (2023), RPS IPE shortlist (2024, 2023), TIFA (2022, 2021, 2020), APA (2024, 2022,2021, 2020), AllAboutPhoto (2022), IPA (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020), Px3 (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020), ND Awards (2022, 2021), FAPA (2022, 2021, 2020), NYC4PA (2021), BIFA (2022, 2021), Art Gemini Prize (2022, 2021).
1st Prize at the International Photography Awards 2024 in the category Professional - Fine Art, Abstract
Gold Winner Prix de la Photographie Paris 2024, category Fine Art / Abstract - Professional
Shortlist RPS International Photography Exhibition 166 in 2024
21th Pollux Awards, Winner in the category Professional - Cityscapes, 2024
Winner of the Fotonostrum Magazine Awards, Issue 35, January 2024
20th Pollux Awards, Winner in the category Professional Artworks- Abstract, 2023
1st Prize at the International Photography Awards 2023 in the category Professional - Fine Art, Abstract Artworks
3rd Place in the contest Luminosity, New York Center for Photographic Art, 2023
Shortlist RPS International Photography Exhibition 165 in 2023
19th Pollux Awards, Winner in the category Professional - Abstract, 2023
Prague International Art Exhibition, Winner in the Photography artworks category, 2023
First Place in the contest Wandering Curves, New York Center for Photographic Art, 2021
Jury TOP 5 Selection International Photography Awards 2021
Shortlisted in Art Gemnini Prize Contest in 2021 and 2022
Silver Awards
- International Photography Awards 2022, 2nd Place
- Px3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2022
- Budapest International Foto Awards 2021
- Tokyo International Foto Awards 2021
- Moscow International Foto Awards 2021
Bronze Awards
- Px3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2022
- Tokyo International Foto Awards 2020
Honorable Mention (Nominee, Finalist):
IPA 2024, 2022, 2021, 2020; NYC4PA Wandering Curves 2024, DODHO Magazine Fine Art 2024, DODHO Magazine Monochromatic 2024, NYC4PA Architecture 2024, Siena Creative Awards 2022, 2021; FAPA 2024, 2022, 2021; Px3 2022, 2021, 2020; ND Awards 2022, 2021; APA 2024. 2021, 2020; MIFA 2021; BIFA 2022, 2021; TIFA 2021, 2020; VIPA 2021; One Eyeland 2020, Photo is Light 2020
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